Understanding Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an educational process that acknowledges and assesses the skills and knowledge individuals have acquired outside formal education and training. This pathway offers a flexible and efficient means for professionals to gain formal qualifications by recognising their previous experiences, whether through work, volunteering, or informal learning. The process does NOT include exams or tests. It is based on your experience. Many are pleasantly surprised to discover how qualified they already are.

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What is RPL?

RPL is a method that evaluates an individual’s existing competencies against the standards required for a particular qualification. Instead of traditional classroom-based learning, RPL allows you to demonstrate your capabilities through evidence of your past experiences. This can include:
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The RPL Process

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Benefits of RPL

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Is RPL Right for You?

Consider the RPL pathway if you have substantial experience in your field and seek formal recognition of your competencies. It’s particularly beneficial for those looking to:

RPL offers a practical and efficient way to achieve formal qualifications based on your existing skills and experiences. It recognises the value of diverse learning experiences and provides a streamlined pathway to career advancement and personal growth. If you believe your prior learning deserves recognition, RPL could be the perfect solution to achieving your educational and professional goals.